
Hello, I'm Kaylee!

A pacific northwest American girl turned vegan who wants to share the beauty of healthy living with the world! Growing up I didn’t learn much about nutrition. As I grew up I used food as a coping mechanism and loved my Standard American Diet (SAD). By 21 I was clinically obese and started to have health problems. I summed it up to genetics and pushed my way through my day to day life. I went through some big life changes and decided I didn’t want to be alive just to survive anymore but to thrive. My path has been arduous, I wasn’t an overnight success story but a ten steps forward, three steps back kind of tale.

My journey towards veganism started in 2016 when I did quick Google search on how deli meat was produced out of curiosity while eating a salad, astonished, and really freaking grossed out, I became vegetarian in that moment. (I didn’t even finish the salad.)  A few years later I stumbled upon the film “Earthlings” by Shaun Monson. I had to force myself through the graphic truth of what my actions had been contributing to. The empathy and guilt I felt was overwhelming, and the next morning I became a full fledged vegan.

At this point my cooking skills were minimal and I NEEDED a recipe in front of me to follow, I started turning to Pinterest and I quickly found out that vegan cooking can be quite tedious and cumbersome. While I struggled to procure ingredients that were foreign to me and got increasingly frustrated when trying new ways to cook things, I was starting to hate food. I slowly started to feel deprived at every meal and didn’t enjoy eating the way I used to. My husband then gifted me the cookbook “Frugal Vegan” of Well Vegan which is a great introductory cookbook. I cooked my whole way though cover to cover and learned just how simple vegan eating can be as well as how much I could love cooking. This was my first stepping stone on a path of being absolutely and totally in love with creating and perfecting my own recipes.

I think the biggest (and hardest) change in becoming vegan for me was the bombardment of information on health and nutrition I was now exposed to. It was overwhelming to learn the lifelong effects of diet on our bodies, minds and souls. I felt like I was drowning in a sea of misinformation. When I started paying attention to what was in my food as well as how it was produced, I didn’t know what was “right or wrong” information or who to believe. I thought the ways I ate in the past were healthy and nobody ever taught me otherwise. Could I be wrong again? Are genetics a death sentence? The doubt was always there in my mind but I kept moving toward my goal, “thrive not survive”.

I now feel as I have hit my stride and my mission is to create a hub of healthy recipes and lifestyle tips that will help other people live your best (and healthiest) life! I love to inspire others and I believe that food is one of the most impeccable and pure art forms, especially in humble meals and settings. I hope that I can inspire growth in others and be a guide towards holistic simplicity in what seems to be a pretty chaotic world.

Looking to work with me?

If you would like to collaborate and think your brand is a good fit for me, 
please send me an email at [email protected]

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